On Enterprise 2.0, motivation, and incentives
Many types of rewards and incentives are popular when companies attempt to attract people to follow them or interact with them on social media. But what about incentives when collaborative tools are...
View ArticleBuilding a social employee feedback system on Confluence wiki
Corporations need feedback to evolve. Feedback from customers is vital, but so is feedback from employees: employees see what is happening under the hood regarding products, processes, and tools....
View ArticleSimplifying ISO 9001 compliance with a wiki
Many companies need to comply with ISO 9001 requirements for quality management systems. This can be cumbersome at times, but technology has evolved to a state where it can also be quite easy: with a...
View ArticleEnterprise 2.0 is the Total Quality Management of the 21st century
In the 1950s, Japanese companies began their path to glory based on a new form of thinking largely built on the ideas of W. Edwards Deming. The age of quality had begun. In this post, I will argue that...
View ArticleBoost the productivity of internal meetings with social collaboration
Meetings are an unending source of debate. Some feel they are essential, others consider them a huge waste of time. Most tend to agree that, at the very least, many meetings could be run in a more...
View ArticleSocial business enthusiasts need to leave straw men behind
When exploring what benefits becoming a social business can provide for the enterprise, it is important to make a serious comparison to a viable alternative. Attacking straw men is useless and can only...
View ArticleThe process approach to social business design
Social business is more than just conversation. If implemented properly, it can be a route to more effective operation and, by extension, higher profits. Most companies are nowadays managed through...
View ArticleThe death of the peer-reviewed article
Pre-publication peer reviews became the dominant paradigm within the academia in the 20th century. In recent years, the system has been criticized and some attempts to correct the weaknesses of the...
View ArticleOn long-form thought, networked knowledge, and books
David Weinberger has recently argued for networked knowledge and claims that books are not an ideal format for thought and that, indeed, long-form thought such as books is not wide enough for deep...
View ArticleHow to alienate your fan base: HBO Nordic launch in Finland
A few months ago things seemed bright for the Nordic online consumer: on-demand streaming services were in a race to announce their coming to the Nordics with both Netflix and HBO announcing their...
View ArticleLean and amusement parks: Särkänniemi through kaizen eyes
There is an unfortunate side effect to being exposed to Lean thinking in large quantities: you begin to see so much waste in processes all around you. It is everywhere, and going Lean could help all...
View ArticleRespect for people in Lean is not about being nice
Respect for people is a central value in Lean, and it is also often misunderstood. Respect for people in Lean is more about improving each person towards perfection, and less about nice behavior. To...
View ArticleLean thinkers are not on social media and at what cost
I like Lean. It is a great idea on how to get the whole enterprise on the same boat and working together in a systematic, near-scientific manner. However, at times I wonder whether Lean is keeping up...
View ArticleChildren’s traffic parks through kaizen eyes
A children’s traffic park is a park where children ride pedal-powered cars on roads and operate according to traffic laws. I have been to quite a few such parks, but it was my recent visit to one in...
View ArticleIs Lean for you?
Lean is much more than a toolkit, it is a philosophy. This fact is often repeated in many Lean books, but it is rare for those books to go deep into the value base of Lean, to reduce Lean to its bare...
View ArticleDesign for serendipity: coworking at Seats2meet.com
Coworking is a form of work where people share a working environment without being employed by the same company. The idea originated in the USA, where the first coworking locations were opened in 2005....
View ArticleCollaborative manufacturing: Lean and social business
As social business matures, it is moving to new areas. People share ideas, and they also increasingly share products and services in what Jeremiah Owyang calls the collaborative economy. This sharing...
View ArticleBartle player types, Yee’s motivations, and self-determination theory
This post stems from two sources. On one hand, Daniel Pink’s Drive has brought variations of self-determination theory of motivation into the mainstream. On the other hand, everyone in the gamification...
View ArticleManipulation of book review rankings at Amazon
Reviews have been one of Amazon’s strengths and one of its problems for a long time. The issues around fake reviews are rather well known and covered extensively in traditional media as well (here is a...
View ArticleShould manufacturing industry sponsor eSports to fight skills gap?
The manufacturing industry has a big problem. The youth of today see manufacturing as a dirty and uncomfortable work environment and would rather work somewhere else. The result is that too few young...
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